In Hollywood, they say the camera adds pounds. In reality, at least at Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and body lift are helping healthy patients shed hard-to-lose pockets of diet resistant fat and excess skin to achieve a firmer, more flattering figure fast. Watch our most popular cosmetic surgery videos to see how they did it, and remember, unlike “reality based” programming such as Nip/Tuck, when it comes to real patients, real board-certified plastic surgeons and real plastic surgery, the video camera doesn’t lie.

After getting a glimpse into the real world of plastic surgery, use our Web-exclusive Inside Online feature for the opportunity to request a FREE consultation at select times. If you’re not quite ready for a consult, learn more about the plastic surgery experience from start to finish when you download a Free Guide to Cosmetic Surgery with over 30 pages of helpful information.

Liposuction Videos

Historically, lipo has claimed the top spot as the nation’s most requested plastic surgery procedure among men and women looking to sculpt their bodies. Are you looking? Look no further, because we’ve put together a series of our most popular liposuction videos so that you can see for yourself exactly what makes this body contouring procedure number one with patients.

Liposuction Los Angeles  

Younger Patients Are Choosing Plastic Surgery

Follow Holly, a 24-year-old, through her Los Angeles facial surgery in this plastic surgery video from Discovery Channel’s, Body Perfect.

Ana Aloha  

Ana’s Aloha Lipo

After gaining 60 pounds during her first pregnancy, Ana was left with loose skin. Four children later, watch one of our most popular liposuction videos and discover how Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles was able to restore the body she remembered prior to giving birth.

As seen on The Learning Channel’s A Personal Story

Totaly body makeover Los Angeles  

Total Body Makeover Begins With Lipo In LA

Follow one patient’s journey to a whole new body, beginning with her Los Angeles liposuction video.

liposuction Los Angeles  

Liposuction In Los Angeles

Each year, liposuction – also known as suction lipectomy – proves to be one of cosmetic surgery’s most popular procedures. Consequently, liposuction videos are continually one of our most watched clips. Learn how lipo can sculpt a patient’s body in ways diet and exercise alone can’t.


Giving Andre a Lift With Lipo

Tackling a lifelong weight problem, Andre lost 75 pounds, only to be left with extra skin around his waist. Performing a body lift, which includes liposuction, Dr. Stevens was able to help Andre finally realize his ideal shape.

As seen on The Learning Channel’s A Personal Story.


Shaping Jeremy Strecker

JAs a child, Jeremy Strecker was admittedly chubby. After experiencing significant weight loss as an adult, the chiropractic student was bothered by loose skin. He turned to Dr. Stevens for lipo, and the rest – including the excess skin – is history.

As seen on Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery Before and After: “Plastic Elastic”


Tummy Tuck Videos

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of tummy tucks performed in this country increased 137% from the year 2000 to 2007. Why? Watch this informative tummy tuck video and Dr. Grant Stevens, Medical Director of Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, will both show and tell you why.

tummy tuck Los Angeles  

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Video

Experiencing what some might call a “mid-drift bulge,” “pooch,” “paunch,” or “spare tire?” A tummy tuck can remove excess skin and tissue, as well as tighten muscles to eliminate a flabby tummy that won’t respond to a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercising.


Body Lift Videos

Taken it all off only to be left with loose skin that forces you to cover it all back up with uncomfortable clothing? Let us show you in these cosmetic surgery videos how Dr. Stevens of Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles is helping patients like you say goodbye and good-riddance to the skin that hangs around after massive weight loss or bariatric surgery.


Giving Andre a Lift

Tackling a lifelong weight problem, Andre lost 75 pounds, only to be left with extra skin around his mid-section. Performing a body lift, which includes a tummy tuck, Dr. Stevens was able to help Andre finally achieve his desired shape.

As seen on The Learning Channel’s A Personal Story


Shaping Strecker

Jeremy Strecker was chubby as a child. After experiencing significant weight loss, the chiropractic student was bothered by loose skin. He turned to Dr. Stevens for a body contouring tummy tuck.

As seen on Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery Before and After: “Plastic Elastic”

Marina Plastic Surgery  

Total Body Makeover Begins With Tummy Tuck

Watch as one patient’s journey to a whole new body begins with her visit to Dr. Stevens and Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles for a tummy tuck.


Judith’s Dramatic Transformation

From MSNBC’s, Extreme Plastic Surgery, watch this cosmetic surgery video and witness for yourself one woman’s incredible body contouring make-over.

Click here to watch plastic surgery videos, including breast enlargement videos and breast reduction videos.Find videos of rhinoplasty and other facial sculpting videos of plastic surgery by clicking here.Click here to view non-surgical makeover, med spa videos, including Fraxel Laser Treatment videos.
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