Season 2 Episode 13

Published on July 22, 2013 by

Oona Wentworth

Nip/Tuck Season Two, Oona Wentworth

This episode of Nip/Tuck highlights eyelid surgery being exchanged for leniency on a drug crime. What a brilliant idea! Just think… Government officials, politicians, and law enforcement can simply schedule cosmetic surgery, and let all those nasty lil’ criminals go. The world may become completely corrupt, but hey – What a beautiful world this will be!

Ha ha!

So, let’s see here… Dr. Sean McNamara’s son Matt gets wrapped up with the wrong crowd. He gets involved in a drug scandal, and soon his school Principal, Ms. Oona Wentworth finds out. She calls an official parent meeting at the school, but the ‘practicing cynic-World-Class Dr. Christian Troy comes to Matt’s rescue instead. After all, he is the biological father. None of that is quite so offbeat…but what does become a “world-class family menagerie session” is when Ms. Moore (aka ‘Life Coach’) points out during this parent meeting that the principal’s eyelids are rather unsightly…quickly taking the spotlight off the issue at hand. Ms. Wentworth’s professionalism and work ethic is misunderstood as bitterness (since she refused to drop charges), but alas, in this melodramatic show, this made a great opportunity to blame “rule-following” on sternness — simply from not looking ‘Forever 21’.

At one point the principal was told, “You could put groceries in those bags” by Ms. Moore. Listen folks, that comment goes against the rules of Parenting 101: Not-a-good-idea to slam a school official! Hmm… Why don’t you try it if you don’t believe me? In real life, that remark might just get your child booted out of school…Even in Boot Camp. After all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There’s an idea! Why didn’t they just bribe Ms. Wentworth with a shiny plump apple instead of a blepharoplasty? Well because this is Hollywood, the lovely land of beautiful people, thanks to nips and tucks. Obviously it works in television, as evidenced by the fact that the school principal received free eyelid surgery…as long as Matt’s school record was cleared. Got it? No drug charges, no school suspension = No saggy, no baggy… eyelids. …And they say teachers are underpaid…

Blackmail…Oops did I just say that? I meant to say “bartering” plastic surgery services in exchange for immunity just doesn’t happen. If it did, the Medical Board would not be happy …. Perhaps Dr. Christian Troy feels they need a blepharoplasty too.

Charlie Sheridan

Medical Editor and Consultant

Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States each year. The reason for its popularity? Well it shouldn’t be a mystery. The eyes are the most expressive parts of our faces, not to mention, eyes make the biggest first impression. They provide a means for how we see the world, along with how the world sees us.

Unfortunately, the eyes are the first to show signs of aging. The delicate skin around the eyes is prone to wrinkle, crease, sag, swell, and evento discolor. And let’s face facts: gravity isn’t exactly working in our favor. Our upper lids, so often beautiful in our youth, begin to droop as we age, sometimes to the point of covering the lid itself. These saggy, droopy lids can make you look tired, sad, run down, and, well, …old. And nobody wants that. Or if anyone does, we haven’t met them yet.

About Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery, or as it is medically know, Blepharoplasty, gets rid of the upper redundant tissue, opening up the look of the eye and making you appear younger, softer, more awake, more rested and more attentive. The surgery itself is typically performed on an out-patient basis. Excess skin is removed and then the two incision lines are sutured together discreetly along the crease of the lid, making it barely noticeable. Blepharoplasty can easily be combined with other procedures for those also interested in complete facial rejuvenation.

So Who Is a Good Candidate?

Ultimately, that question is something for the patient and surgeon to decide. However, just the fact that you are reading this page indicates that you may not be happy with the appearance of your eyelids. Do you feel like you look tired, despite how much sleep or rest you’ve gotten? Do people ask you “what’s wrong” even when you are in a perfectly good mood? Do your eyelids feel heavy? Can you not see the crease of your eyelid when you look in the mirror? Is your eyelid encroaching on your lash line and affecting your make-up? These are some of the indicators that eyelid surgery could be beneficial to you.

How the Eyelid Surgery Is Performed

Blepharoplasty is an out-patient surgery, typically performed in a certified surgery center, under general anesthesia, or if preferred, local anesthesia combined with sedation. Two incisions are made: one along the eyelid crease and a second slightly above the crease. Excess skin, fat or tissue is removed as needed. The incisions are then sewn together, creating one discreet area to suture for each eye. This incision will become a light scar as you heal, but will be camouflaged in the new crease of your eyelid. Most Eyelid Surgeries take less than two hours to complete, after which you will recuperate in a recovery room, just until you recover from the sedation and anesthesia. You will need a person to drive you home and to stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.

Risks and Complications

All surgeries, elective or not, come with some type of risk or possible complications. It is important for you to be well informed about these. California law states that all surgeons must discuss risks and possible complications with their patients and you will get a chance to do this during your consultation. Any surgery runs the risk of infection, hematoma (excessive post-surgery bleeding), and wound separation. Good hygiene and closely following your physician’s post-surgery recovery instructions will help to minimize these risks. Complications do not happen frequently, but they can happen and it’s important that each patient goes into surgery informed and educated.

The Road to Recovery

Since Eyelid Surgery is typically performed on an out-patient basis, you should have a friend or family member stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. This can be comforting and you may need some help getting around or taking care of yourself. Be prepared to rest, rest and rest some more! — for the first three days. Ideally, you will keep your head elevated – some people even choose to sleep in a recliner for the first few days. Your eye area will be red, swollen and bruised for several days. Swelling typically peaks on the second day and then begins to slowly recede. Bruising tends to peak on the third day and then slowly recede. Most people experience some visual blurriness for a few days. Expect to be off from work for approximately a week, depending upon your job and its special requirements.

You will see marked improvements in a few weeks, and in some cases, you won’t see the final result for several months. This is because the body is simply slow to fully heal. Scars can take up to two years to fully mature, so be patient.

It is important to go into surgery with realistic expectations about what upper eyelid surgery can do for you, as well as how long it will take to fully see your results. Patients with realistic expectations tend to have an easier time during recovery and less anxiety and more satisfaction with the results. The best way to get realistic expectations is by educating yourself. Ask your doctor and the staff questions. Read the materials you have been given. Closely follow pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions. By doing so, you may find that you are more at peace during and after your surgery.

Drooping eyelids do not need to weigh down your face or your outlook on life. Learn about Eyelid Surgery and how it could benefit you.


Under the Knife
  Marina Plastic Surgery

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